Real Property Management Assurance

How to Reduce Your Vacancy Rate on Your Portland Rental Home

**This article was updated on April 21, 2021.

Vacancies mean profit losses, and the longer your Portland rental property sits empty, the higher the losses. Understanding how to fill empty properties faster helps keep a steady cash flow and actually helps to maintain your property, as well. Here is how a good property management company can shorten your vacancy rate and make your rental more profitable.

Make Your Rental “Rent-Ready”

A professional property management company should understand that “rent-ready ” means to make sure your property is ready from the front curb, throughout the unit, and to the back fence. Real Property Management Assurance knows that showing a property before it’s completely ready usually extends the time property is vacant, so we ensure all cleaning and repairs are finished before advertising or showing a rental property.

Start Outside

Curb appeal attracts potential renters to take a look at the inside. Pull up to the curb of your unit yourself and do an honest evaluation of what you see. Would you want to rent the property yourself based on its first appearance? A good property management company will complete yard work and repairs to the exterior before showing. Without a good start on the outside, you’ll lose potential renters before even taking a look at what the inside has to offer.

Safety and Security

Safety is also a top priority when preparing for a new tenant. Re-keying after a tenant moves out should be standard policy for your property.  Also, checking smoke, radon, and carbon monoxide detectors is a must for tenants’ safety. Working with a good property management company ensures following required safety and security regulations and protocols for new tenants.

Finish Inside

Real Property Management Assurance will ensure your rental home is thoroughly and professionally cleaned after completing all repairs and remodeling and ready for new tenant move-in. Once complete, we will confirm that all appliances and other equipment are working properly. We finish by performing a complete property review, so you have the assurance and peace of mind to know your property will be rented in the shortest time possible, saving you time, headaches, and financial loss.

If you would like to reduce the vacancy rate on your properties, let’s talk. Contact us online or call us at 971-270-2600.